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Skate today - Registration Agreement Terms

Forum Terms of service

Using the forum. By registering on this forum, you agree to use it properly, and to refrain from posting any content that is aggressive, offensive, defamatory, hateful, or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to post messages inciting or evoking illegal practices, or violating the terms of use of the service.

The moderators and administrators of this forum will do their best to delete or edit any reprehensible messages that may be posted on the forum. You acknowledge that all messages posted on this forum express the opinion of their respective authors, and do not necessarily reflect the position of the moderators and administrators.

In order to ensure the moderation of this forum, any message violating the preceding provisions may be edited or deleted without notice by the moderators and administrators of the forum. Any abuse may also be sanctioned by banning or deleting the user account. We reserve the right to inform your access provider and/or the judicial authorities of any malicious behaviour.

Your personal data. By registering on this forum, you agree that it may collect some of your personal data. This data collection is done either through the information you provide us, or through the use of the services itself, for technical data used for the forum proper functioning. You can access, modify or delete your data at any time. Users under 16 years old certify that they have obtained the consent of their legal guardian in order to proceed with this registration. For more information, please read our privacy policy.

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Click on the button 'I Agree to these terms' below :
- You acknowledge that you have read these rules in their entirety ;
- You agree to comply fully with this rules ;
- You grant moderators of this forum the right to delete, move or edit any topic at any time.

Rule No. 1 - No "Flaming"1) You will not post any messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten or flame another member or guest. This will include misquoting another member out of context. You may discuss another member's beliefs but there will be no personal attacks on the member himself or herself. HarassmentThis is now a seperate section, away from flaming. Harassment can be commited through many ways, much of them which also fit under flaming. However, harassment can be as simple as taking a user's picture from an off-site source, and posting it here. That is not your property to post here, and you do not have the original owner's consent. Acts such as this will be punished like all acts of flaming and harassment. To simply bicker at someone is also harassment! This will be punished much the same way. Take it off site to MSN, AIM, or another..:Forum Rule 2:. READ THIS IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON SPAMMING!!Rule No. 2 - No "Spamming"A) You will not post any messages anywhere on this site that are primarily for the promotion or advertising of any website, email address, business, activity, store, or other entities that you have an affiliation with (ie. no self-promotion). This includes any private contact details (including addresses and telephone numbers). You will not cross-post the same message in multiple forums. You will not make useless posts to spam your post count. You will not post your email anywhere on this site - people can email you via the site by clicking on the email button - this way your email address remains private. You will not mass-PM or mass-email multiple members of this site the same message. You will be allowed to post website URLs, links or messages in your signature (you may put links in your profile or CF homepage).B) If your sole purpose of joining this forum is to spam it then you have two choices, 1) Leave, 2) leave. IF you still choose to spam our forum the following things will happen:1) Your post will be moved ASAP, we have staff from 3 countries and various time zines, so most spam post get deleted ASAP, no one will see it.2) Your IP address will be banned and tracked, and several hacks will prevent you from visiting the site again.From the Administrator: Legal action will be pursued on any spammer who posts porn photos and links. This is a zero tolerance policy. Don’t try us and don’t cry and beg for us to stop if you test us like the last ones did..:Forum Rule 3:.Rule No. 3 - No Public Posts about Specific Moderator Actions3) You will not post questions or comments about the specific actions of a moderator in a public forum (eg. editing a post, deleting a thread, banning a member), as this remains a private matter between the member and the staff involved. However, members may PM or email a moderator at anytime. General questions about staff and feedback about moderators are allowed, just not specific questions about a particular moderator action. All decisions to edit, move or delete a post or thread are based on this set of rules listed here..:Forum Rule 4:.Rule No. 4 - The Usage of Multiple Accounts4) The use of multiple accounts on SkateToday is strictly prohibited. Due to the issue of having the ability to harass and possibly create chaos on the website, the practise of using multiple accounts on this forum is strictly prohibited. Anyone found violating this rule will have their secondary account(s) deleted, and their primary account will receive a suspension at minimum, though if found necessary based on the actions, the user may have their account banned or deleted and further access to the site will be impossible. Any user who is banned but gains access to the site through means of illegal means will have their IP reported to their ISP where further action may be taken by their provider..:Forum Rule 5:.Rule No. 5 - Regarding Forum Invasions5) The act of invading SkateToday, invading other websites in the name of SkateToday, or simply posting about a forum invasion here is strictly forbidden and will be followed up by appropriate actions on the consensus of the staff here at SkateToday. We do not condone these actions here and would like to ask that all members respect this and refrain from such actions. All users who simply come to invade SkatersCafe will have their IP recorded and sent to their provider. Legal action may also be taken depending on the severity..:Forum Rule 6:.Rule No. 6 - Posting Material for Older Ages (18+)6) Materials such as: Pornography, illegal warez (programs, mods, hacks, roms & emulation) are forbidden in being posted on the forums, and if found to be posted, the user will be notified, have their post deleted and depending on the contents of the post, further action will be taken by the staff at SkateToday. As this web-forum is one aimed at all ages, the posting of visualy disturbing material and pornography carry the heaviest punishments, thus both are guranteed to get you banned and have your IP reported to your provider. Please respect our family oriented conduct and refrain from posting any of these materials, and any other ones which may not fit into a PG forum. .:Forum Rule 7:.Rule No. 7 - Posting Threads7) With close to 1000 hits a month, there may be a rise in the number of similar and sometimes identical threads. While we do not have a problem with the rise of threads being created, we ask that users try using the Search Bar (located in the top navigation bar). We simply ask this because the SkateToday is limited on it's staff, and as much as we appreciate all their help, there is no way EVERY single thread and post can be monitored. In using the seach bar, the job of our staff is eased up on, which means they can spend more time in creating fun and enjoyable events for the entire SkatersCafe cummunity.Threads Involving Illegal MaterialThis pertains to ALL illegal materials; ROMS, Movie Downloads, ISO files, Filesharing for Professional Programs, and all other acts of Piracy towards games, movies, applications, stand-alone files, etc. The posting of links or "hint" posts as to where to get these files is strictly against the rules. It is against SkateToday's Rules, forumotion's rules, and piracy can also be charged under the Federal U.S. law. All postings of these materials may be deleted upon first notice, and the poster will be notified of the actions, with the appropriate punishment to follow from staff..:Forum Rule 8:.Rule No. 8 - AdvertisingWe realize lots of people may have their own personal site, and we encourage people to explore their web-building dreams. However, we are not a free personal bulletin board to be used for advertising. You may post a simple sentence or two in your signature regarding your site in SIZE 2 to 4 FONT and nothing bigger, as that is near regular sized. OR you may use 1 banner to advertise, no bigger than 500 x 250.Signed by:-Derrick14 (Board Administrator)-Andreaw13olf (Board Moderator)